behind the scenes


behind the scenes

we do everything ourselves – even t-shirts

everybody can go online, upload a logo and then get shirts in the mail. but where is the fun in that?
accidentally burning a shirt with a quartz radiator to dry the plastisol color – that’s something you remember.
just find a friend like Torben (II), prepare, print, slide, dry and wear em proudly. ok, it’s a little harder than that but totally worth it!

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5

why did we build HassleOFF?  

to keep it short: HassleOFF was inspired by need (instead of greed).
it was one of those times…planning a ‘poker after work’ session with just
8 people sounds fairly easy. sending one email before lunch led to 80 mails
just after the lunch break. re: -> re:re -> re:re:re… no, it wasn’t a 4 hour lunch break!
anyways, people tend to get off topic, even when it’s simply about who has time and
who will take care of beer and so on. that was the first inspiration and one thing was
crystal clear: there must be a better way.

our first steps of building the product  

step I – call your friends and ask if they have room for you in their office

step II – move stuff around

step III – make a plan (it changed a lot, but at least we tried)

step IV – build the product


our outfits feature and the question: what do women want?

the outfits feature was inspired by tom seeing five girls at the streetwater 420 festival in atlanta, georgia.
the most amazing part was these girls were wearing 5 different colored jeans and and different colored tops, yet no color was used twice.
as a fashion enthusiast (he is not!) he thought: ok, there must be a better way and so he invited a couple of female friends to find out what they
need in a functionality like outfits. see what our steps were:

step I – top, pants and shoes were single elements (some even wanted hair!)

step II – same elements but with commenting function

step III – same elements but with more girls on one screen

step IV – final product – women, get out your cameras and make selfies


from pen to printer

here is just a little insight on how we started with a pen and at a
later stage we had a real structure that needed to be printed.


finding your logo – a.k.a. pain in the ass

we had the name, still very proud of it by the way, but finding a logo to match that awesome name…
of course it was supposed to combine everything we offer – things like saving time, efficiency, bringing people together,
no messaging needed and many more. long story short, we failed with that approach even though we tried a lot (click on IV).
what do you in that moment? well, we just made it cool then. the HassleOFF logo represents a friend you can turn to when you need help planning an event.

I – there was only that pink pen lying around

II – then we found a black and a green one

III – first tries to work with

IV – click on this to see a little more

V – hello HassleOFF

l1 l2 l3  logo 4logo 5

welcome to bug world

this is just for you to see that there is a lot of bugs you need to kill until your product is actually working.
besides the bad design (we still don’t have a designer by the way), here are just a couple of bugs for you to see

I – iOS calendar not really where it should be

II – customizing the invitation screen is just a bitch

III – layer problems (behind the orange you can see stuff which shouldn’t be there

IV – visible drop zones without moving your face? wtf!

V – another layer problem while showing event details

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5

design steps

coming up are several design steps on how we got to the current product. it’s not always pretty,
but you are here and that means you deserve to see the truth and nothing but that.

- launch screen -

I – the very very first one

II – we can’t really describe this one

III – the screen before our big re-design

IV – there we go, nice and orange



- main menu -

this was fun. everything was based on functionality and not on user experience. so take a look yourself

I – custom events were considered different from classics events

II – a little bit more from the edgy style

III – first steps towards accepting that we need something else

IV – current version with a lot more icons



- event overview screen -

when it comes to functionality our event overview has changed the least. but still, the final product looks a lot different from what we started with.

I – this is what happens if you don’t consider that a smartphone screen needs bigger elements

II – screen with two options and peoples’ faces are square-shaped

III – same story like II just a little darker

IV – current version